This weekend was pretty eventful. On Friday my parents let me stay out until 2 in the morning! Actually, that was just how long it took for my daddy, Aaron, and Ben to finish a game of Risk. Of course, now we have to refer to Aaron as "His Majesty", so I think Dad is going to make sure another game happens soon so that he can redeem himself.
My mommy had a blast hanging out with the girls. She feels young again! We are going to have these late night parties more often. Well, I didn't really feel like it was a late night since I went to bed with the other boys around 9...
On Saturday my Poppy and Grandma came to visit with all the kids! I had so much fun watching them run around with Calamity that it wore me out. Grandma had to rock me to sleep for awhile. Thanks Grandma!

I was also excited for that night when Steve and Ashley came over for dinner. Steve is moving this week and I was sad to see him go...but, not before he tucked me into bed and gave me a good night kiss!