Brooks was born at 8:11 a.m. on Tuesday, December 16th. He had a few respiratory problems and was admitted to the NICU immediately. He had numerous tests and x-rays of his lungs, kidney function, and stomach. Luckily, the diagnosis was that he just needed some help to adjust to the world outside the womb. Praise the Lord! That was an extreme emotional roller coaster for Mom and Dad...not to mention the hormones I had going anyway!
I am feeling much better. During Sam's C-Section I lost a little more blood than they typically like to see so they were wanted to do a blood transfusion on me. Jon and I didn't feel comfortable with that so we decided that being a little more tired for another month was better than they worst case scenario for a blood transfusion.
Sam is really doing great at being a big brother! He just giggles when he is around Brooks and loved to shake his hand and feel his little toes.
I don't know what I would do without my amazing husband either! He has been the diaper changing champion and taken care of all the housework. It has been so great to have him around these past two weeks. He puts in a lot of hours at his job so I feel extremely spoiled seeing him this's going to be hard on Sam when Dad isn't around to wrestle all day long!
Here are a few pics of our latest addition!