Tummy time has never really been my favorite thing to do, but lately I don't mind because I just roll over! I have been doing it so much that Mommy finally got it on video! We are very excited! I can go from my tummy to back and back to tummy...we are really moving now!
(above are our action shots)
dear sam,
its amazing that you can take a break from eating, pooping and sleeping to make a blog post. you really are on the cutting edge and growing up fast. perhaps next week we can go over some actionscript and go play around of golf. have your people get in touch with my people.
your non-related uncle,
I'm so glad you started a blog for Sam! How exciting!! More for us to look at!! He is too cute!
I am so glad you started this blog! I felt like I was missing everything up here! Miss and love you all lots!!
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