Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Fun

It has been great having Jon around so much lately. Sam has definitely become Daddy's Little Boy this last week! Everything in the house is "Dada's shoes, Dada's hat, Dada's ball" it has been so much fun watching them really become such great buddies! I think he will be lost tomorrow when Jon has to go back to work.
We spent our final day playing in the sprinkler after a long morning of shopping for plants with Mom and Dad. Yep...we let him play in his diaper too...

We invited my parents over for a BBQ/cleaning party. My mom helped deep clean my house and my dad is a master on the vacuum so it worked out really well for me!!!
Thanks again for all your help...Jon and I couldn't do it without you!


The Gutierrez Gang said...

Your whole family is so cute! Tell Pat and Woody our place could use a little deep cleaning as well. :) I hope you're doing great! We need to get together soon. Call me!

Mighty Men said...

What a good helper you are Sam! What a great big brother you will be too!

Kelsie said...

The pictures of you in your MU shirt with that little belly are too cute.