Sam's 18 month check-up:
Weight: 29 pounds
Height: 34 1/2 inches
They are guessing Sam will be about 6'3...Jon was hoping he would be taller, but I think he forgot about the Johnston side. Anything over 5'5 is considered tall for us!
Developmentally, Sam is off the charts! It's so fun to have "little" conversations with him and watch him explore.
He does enjoy the babbling still, which is very entertaining to watch and listen to.
Sam has also become quite the wrestler. I'm still trying to figure out how to teach him that we can wrestle with Dad, but can't tackle anything that moves.
Baby Update:
I am feeling great and enjoying being active again and chasing Sam everywhere! I will have to have tests done the week after I have the baby on my kidneys, but we are really just praying that everything will be great! The baby is so much more active than Sam was...which makes me a little scared :) They think he is around 3 pounds now. My belly is measuring 2 weeks ahead (bigger), but they said that was good.
We have also scheduled our C-section for December 16th. It really set in today and made everything seem more real for Jon and I. I'm looking forward to not feeling a contraction this me go early and eat my words!

We are so glad things are going better! We can't wait for another little guy to play with!
I think we do need to start the tradition of McDonalds with them. Next we can teach them how to walk to K-Mart!
I can't wait to see the room, I keep checking your website! We would love to see ya'll over thanksgiving and I know Parker would love to learn some football moves from Sam, and we need to see some of those dance moves as well=) I am glad things are better for you I can't wait to see pics of your new baby, not too much longer! I wish we lived in MO so we could have play dates=( Well keep in touch love!
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