Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pappy and Sam

This is me playing with my Pappy. I was pretty tired and ready for bed, but he was just so entertaining that I had to stay up and play for a few minutes! I sure do love my Pappy!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Big Bad Sam

Mommy and Daddy think I look pretty darn cute wearing my hat backwards. Dad always wears his like this so I am just trying to be like him!

Calamity and Sam

For those of you that haven't met my big, hairy sister, here she is! Calamity doesn't really seem to interested in me just yet, she would rather chew on my toys these days. I'm sure we are going to be the best of friends once I become mobile and am able to drop food from my high chair!

Leg Workout!

Mommy apologizes to everyone watching because she couldn't figure out how to turn her video. She needs my "non-related" uncle Noah to come help figure it out!
On a more positive note, I was a rolling machine today! Mommy and Grammie had so much fun watching me roll all over the place. While I was at Grammie's house today she got out Mommy's baby book to compare our weight and inches. When my mom was 15 weeks old she weighed 14.6 pounds and was just 15 inches long. I weigh about 15 pounds and I am 25 inches long! Boy, my mom sure was a butter ball when she was my age!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

My fun weekend with grandparents!

I had a fun and busy weekend with family from Maryville! My mommy forgot to take pictures of all the excitment, but I can fill you in. On Saturday my Grandma Linda came to play for the day. We spent it showing her around Liberty and playing with my favorite toys. Mommy was able to fold some laundry while I chatted with my Grandma.

On Sunday my Grandpa Dennis came to visit. I was pretty sleepy so I didn't get to play much. I took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon! I hope Poppy can come back soon to play! Thanks for coming to visit!

Friday, June 22, 2007

I am such a big boy!

Not only have I been sleeping in my crib all by myself, but now I can take a bottle without Mom! Once I get those two ounces in my tummy I can sleep like a baby! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me!

My other favorite toy!

My two fingers seem to be the coolest thing since sliced bread. I don't enjoy my whole fist and one finger just doesn't cut it, but two fingers in my mouth at all times seems to do the trick!

My new favorite toy!

This first toy is something that Mommy and Daddy discovered through my best pal, Jax. When I would go play at his house this thing would keep me entertained for hours...well, more like 30 minutes. But that is a pretty long time to keep my attention! Mommy and Daddy love it because it keeps me busy while they eat dinner.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Shake, Rattle, and Roll!

Basically, Mommy was just experimenting with photobucket so this really isn't an entertaining video. But now that she knows how to do it...look out!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tummy Time!

Tummy time has never really been my favorite thing to do, but lately I don't mind because I just roll over! I have been doing it so much that Mommy finally got it on video! We are very excited! I can go from my tummy to back and back to tummy...we are really moving now!
(above are our action shots)

A day in the life of Sam...

Today started off like any other ordinary day. Mommy decided I needed a bath and I was pretty happy about that decision. I love to play and pee in the bath tub!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Well, it took awhile but I finally got Daddy to sleep on Father's Day. He was pretty tired from the wedding, but I slept in my crib for 15 hours. Woo hoo!!! Mommy is also very excited because now she has time to start a blogspot!

For my daddy's first father's day we got him two kayaks and tickets to the T-bones game with some other dads. He was pretty excited! He can't wait to take me, but I need to get a little bigger before Mommy will let me in a boat.