Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby Akins

I really have no excuse for not blogging sooner...I have been on bed rest for almost 3weeks now, but am hoping to be off soon. Here is a recap of the joys of pregnancy :)

On Sept. 6th I started having severe back pain and went to the ER twice only to have them dismiss me and say it was overexertion. On Sunday afternoon I was throwing up from the pain and was only able to crawl places so we went back to the ER. They did an ultrasound on my kidneys and it appears I have severe hydroneuphrosis. My right kidney wasn't functioning and severely enlarged. They had to do surgery on Tuesday and found a kidney stone that could be the cause of all my pain and put a stent in from my kidney to my bladder for two weeks to hopefully get rid of any other stones I might have. The only downfall is that after the stent is removed it will be a waiting game to see if the pain comes back because they aren't able to do any testing on me since I'm pregnant. I get the stent out on Wednesday afternoon and it apparently isn't a complicated procedure, just "uncomfortable". It has been pretty painful and I have been taking medications that seem to help some and give me relief and some sleep. We are really just praying that when it comes out I will be fine...that really could happen too! I will probably still have to take it easy with the rest of this pregnancy. We don't think it's pregnancy related...just a really bad coincidence. Right now the baby is doing great, the doctors are just worried about my kidney function. We are just praying for total healing right now!

Jon and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support from all of our family, friends, and neighbors. We are so thankful for all the phone calls, cards, flowers, and meals! Jon said this has been the best thing to happen to his tummy...he's so sensitive :)

We will continue to keep everyone updated and we would appreciate prayers for this Wednesday and that I will feel like a whole new woman after the stent is taken out!


Adam, Allison, Kaitlyn and Lauren said...

That's no fun, Becky! We will definitely be thinking of you. Keep us posted on how things go!

Renee (Nay) said...

I have had kidney stones and I can say they are more painful than having a baby. I was so sick i threw up for days till i finaly could not even walk from the pain. It took 3 months for the doctors to look for kidney stones they thought it was cyst on my overies. My heart goes out to you but if this was the problem you should feel great now.....Good Luck with the baby. Renee Pulse

Sarah said...

Becky- I'll be thinking of you and hope all goes well! Take care of you-- Sarah Meyer