Friday, September 7, 2007

Toy Hog

Here is my friend Jackson. Jackson likes to take my toys. Apparently, I'm not old enough to realize that I don't like this. He takes my rattles, blankets, and books. But, his favorite thing to take is my pacifier. That's right folks, Jackson steals my pacifier right out of my mouth and then has the nerve to put it in his!
Don't let these adorable pictures fool you! He is a theif! His smile and sweet laugh might catch you off guard, but this is just a warning!

Hide your toys because he is coming after them!!!


Mighty Men said...

Don't worry Sam... Titus has your back man!

The Mama said...

I don't know what you are talking about Sam. I thought you wanted to give me your toys! Besides that, your binky tastes super yummy!
