Sunday, July 1, 2007

Weekend with Friends!

Man, I had another packed weekend! We had Max and his mom over on Friday and then came the "mom-to-be" Jackie! We had fun visiting with them and showing Jackie how well behaved babies can be. When they left we had Grandma Linda and Aunt Lisa over for awhile. It was fun to see them again, but I was pretty tired.

On Saturday Mom and Dad decided to have a bar-b-que with my best friends Max and Jax and their parents. Boy, did we have fun! Our parents stayed up until 1:30 in the morning! They are party animals! Well, not really "party animals" since the dads played history trivia and the moms just talked about "girl stuff" and painted their fingernails. It sure was fun...we can't wait to do it again!

1 comment:

The Mama said...

We just had a riot with you guys as well. It was actually fun staying up that late....we felt kinda young again!